The Bully Culture
A Documentary About Workplace Bullying in America
Current polls show that about half of us have been bullied or witnessed bullying in the workplace at some point in our lives. I know that I have.
Most people agree that workplace bullying is bad. But is legislative intervention needed or can the business community self-regulate? Currently, self-regulation doesn’t seem to be working. Workplace bullying is on the rise.
And, Workplace bullying has costs.
Research confirms that the stress from being the target of bullying at work harms the physical and emotional health of the target and negatively impacts their income and career paths.
Toxic workplaces are more expensive workplaces.
The bully costs the employer as well with higher turnover, more sick days, low productivity and more time and expense incurred by HR and management.
My goal with this documentary is to shine a light on this issue to raise awareness, educate, explore opposing views, follow the legislative efforts and give voice to the targets of workplace bullying.
Jay Fedigan
SEIU/NAGE Local 282
Board of Advisors
David Yamada
Professor of Law and founding Director of the
New Workplace Institute
at Suffolk University
Law School
Greg Sorozan
SEIU/NAGE Local 282
Debra Falzoi
Marketing Director for the
Massachusetts Healthy Workplace Bill